Monday 17 December 2012

Essex Boys Imagery


  1. Good to see you using Prezi to present aspects of your research, Sophie.

    You focus effectively upon specific aspects of mise en scene and the connotations that are constructed. The images you've picked are well chosen to explore key points. I particularly like your reading of the 'windscreen shot' with the dirt and Jason. When you discuss the final shot of the empty waterside long shot: are you sure about the "Every cloud has a silver lining" reading? Is there any sense of hope in this shot? Reply to this Comment to give me your thoughts (I will check back).

  2. For the weather, it seems like it's quite bluntly pretty. They could have made it quite daunting and grim to match the actions that had taken place with the man but the fact that they used quite light colours kind of suggests that the action happened for the better and that although they may be doing work that doesn't do justice for the law, maybe morally they're doing it for the right reasons? I'm not sure, you could also see the flip side that it is quite daunting and maybe is just enhancing the location instead of giving meaning to the whole movie.

  3. I'm pleased to see how you responded to my question, as we discussed at school. You're engaging well with different interpretations and ambiguities of meanings.
